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Nizhni Novgorod – Nizhni Novgorod Region
Year of establishment
603104, Nizhni Novgorod, ul. Krylova, 2a, kv. 45
Member(s) of organization
Radina Nadezhda Konstantinovna
Sphere of interest
Health, Medical Problems
Prevention and Elimination of Violence Against Women
More about organization
Studies, psychotherapy, social work.Children, adolescents, women, stress, violence.Initiative group of four people (full-time) and a group of volunteeers recruited for specific jobs.Volunteer work is focused along the following directions: - hotline for young people - for the city only; - World without violence program - for the region; - World without alcohol and drugs, focused on addictions in families - for the region; - Support of Women's initiative - an independent program focused on collecting information - contacts with Nizhni Novgorod Gender Center.This program forms the basis of collaboration between the initiative group with the Center. The initiative group developed the Family Education Project. It contains training sessions for women concerned about raising their children and about their own personality problems. Collaboration with local TV. The Center was invited twice to speak on the TV program as experts on the participation of women in the elections and women's political activity.Participation in the preparation of interregional UNESCO Conference held in Nizhni Novgorod in 1996 - prepared the section on the psychology of non-violence. Started the registration process of the non-governmental education center for women; one of the main programs of the Center involves the support of initiatives in the sphere of education; the Center provides information for women and young girls about opportunities of university education, internships, post- graduate studies outside Russia or in Russian private educational institutions. Information includes terms of admission, availability of grants and stipends, etc. This program is supported by the Nizhni Novgorod Public Business Bank.The initiative group collaborates with ISAR (communication, information exchange). On November 13, 1995 an article on psychological environment protection written upon the suggestion of Nizhni Novgorod branch, was published in ISAR newsletter.

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