Network Scholarship Programs
Network programs address specific issue areas on a regional
or network-wide basis. Network programs deal with a range
of subjects, including arts and culture, economic reform,
education, information, legal reform, public health, and women's
rights. Network program activities are focused principally
on Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Network programs are administered by the Open Society Institute
Budapest or the Open Society Institute in New York and implemented
in cooperation with the national foundations.
Participation in a given network program is at the discretion
of the national foundations, which establish expert boards
to create country-specific implementation strategies and to
comment on the effectiveness of the overall program. Network
programs are intended to promote cooperation and information
sharing among the organizations in the Soros foundations network.
They fall into three categories: those that provide training
and technical assistance to national foundations domestic
activities; operating programs that deliver services to communities
outside the reach of national foundations; and competitive
programs ( such as scholarship and fellowship competitions).
Network Programs include:
- arts and culture program <arts.html>
- Iternational policy fellowships <ipf.html>
- center for publishing development <publishing.html>
- internet program <internet.html>
- children and youth programs <youth.html>
- library program <library.html>
- constitutional and legal policy <colpi.html>
- local government and public service reform <government.html>
- east east program <east.html>
- media program <media.html>
- economic/business development <business.html>
- public health programs <medical.html>
- <internet.html>english language programs <english.html>
- scholarship programs </scholar/index.html>
- <internet.html>institute for educational policy
- science journals donation program <science.html>
- international higher education support program <hesp.html>
- women's program <women.html>
- international harm reduction development <>
n 1999, OSI Budapest and OSI in New York helped the national
foundations spin off a number of network programs that had
proved their effectiveness and continued value while closing
down other network programs that had accomplished their objectives.
The transformation, where appropriate, of successful network
programs into independent nongovernmental organizations is
in keeping with the overall strategy of the Soros foundations
network to support and strengthen NGOs as vital to the building
of open societies.
The Children and Youth Network Program, for example, assisted
the national foundations in establishing their debate and
Step by Step preschool programs as independent NGOs. As these
recently registered NGOs work to become self-sustaining, the
Open Society Institute will continue to provide support through
the national foundations and through two new umbrella organizations,
the International Step by Step Association ( ISSA) and the
International Debate Education Association ( IDEA).
The Network Public Health Programs, on the other hand, will
close a number of programs, including the Salzburg Medical
Seminars and the Hospital Development Program, by the end
of 2000. These programs contributed to sustaining and improving
basic medical care in Central and Eastern Europe during the
transition years. The current focus of the Public Health Programs
is on promoting the introduction of modern public health policies
throughout the region.
A continuing priority for many of the network programs in
1999 was the integration of Roma into their activities. The
Network Media Program supported training institutions in the
countries of the Soros foundations network to train Romani
journalists and media managers. The Media Program also provided
technical assistance to Romani media and encouraged cooperation
between Romani and mainstream media.
The Media Program was one of many network programs that rose
to the challenge of the Kosovo crisis, assisting in the development
of media projects that provided information to refugees and
helping key independent media survive in South Eastern Europe.
In another example, the East East Program initiated a subprogram
for South Eastern Europe to promote cooperation among individuals
and organizations in the countries of the region.